Desert safari Dubai Do's and Don'ts that you should follow:

Dubai is considered the most famous and best place for tourist destinations globally; it is a place where there are always new adventures to be had and unique experiences to be had. If you're thinking about going on a desert safari during your time in Dubai, then here are some do's and don'ts that you should follow to ensure that you have the best possible time!

Activities of desert safari Dubai?

A Dubai Desert Safari is the best option for those who want to experience the Arabian desert and all that it offers. There are too many activities that you can do while on your desert safaris, such as dune bashing, camel riding, sandboarding, and more.

Dune bashing:

Dune bashing is one of the most popular activities while on a desert safari. It is an exciting and adrenaline-pumping activity that will get your heart racing.

Camel riding:

Camel riding is another popular activity you can do while on a desert safari. With the help of this activity, you can go to close and personal with the desert animals and experience the desert differently.


Sandboarding is an activity that is perfect for those who want to experience the desert uniquely. It is the same as snowboarding, and if you are searching for thrilling activity in the sand, then it is the best activity.

Hot air ballooning:

Hot air ballooning is a great way to see the desert differently. Through hot air ballooning activity, you can get an aerial view of the desert and experience the desert differently.

Sunrise and sunset:

One of the best times to experience desert safari Dubai is during sunrise or sunset. A desert is a beautiful place during these times, and it is a great time to take pictures.

Time for desert safari Dubai?

The best time to desert safari Dubai is during the winter months. The desert is a relaxed and comfortable place during these months, and it is the perfect time to experience all that the desert has to offer.

What to wear, desert safari Dubai?

When going on a desert safari, it is essential to dress appropriately. The desert can be a hot and sandy place, so it is necessary to wear light and airy clothing that will not make you too hot. It is also essential to wear sunscreen and bring a hat to protect your head from the sun.

What to pack for desert safari Dubai?

When packing for a desert safari, it is essential to pack light. We all know that the Arabian desert is a sandy place, so you will want to pack light and airy clothes. You will also want to pack sunscreen and a hat to protect your head from the sun. You will also want to bring water and snacks because it is a tiring and long place.

Desert safari Dubai Dos:

Do dress appropriately: It is essential to wear light and airy clothing that will not make you too hot. It is also necessary to wear sunscreen and bring a hat to protect your head from the sun.

Do pack essential things: You will also want to pack sunscreen and a hat to protect your head from the sun. Every person must take the snacks and water to this sandy and long place.

Do be prepared for the desert: The desert can be a long and tiring place, so it is essential to be ready. You will want to bring water, snacks, sunscreen, and a hat to protect your head from the sun.

Desert safari Dubai Don'ts:

Don't wear too much clothing: Dubai desert is a sandy and hot place, so you will want to wear light and airy clothes. Wearing too much dress can make you too hot and uncomfortable.

Don't forget to pack sunscreen and a hat: It is essential to wear sunscreen and bring a hat to protect your head from the sun.

Don't forget to bring these things: The desert can be long and tiring, so you will want to bring water and snacks to keep yourself hydrated and energized.Other than this, don't forget to get some extra money, a camera for photography and don't take precious things like jewelry or expensive mobile phones

Click here to book Desert Safari:

How to select desert safari Dubai tour company:

When selecting a desert safari Dubai tour company, choosing a reputable and experienced company is essential. There are many desert safari Dubai tour companies to choose from, so it is necessary to do your research and select a company with a good reputation.

It is also essential to select a desert safari Dubai tour company that offers a variety of desert safari tours. This way, you can choose a perfect tour for your needs and interests.


Dubai desert safari is an experience that you don't want to forget. By following these dos and don'ts, you can have the best possible experience. So, what are you waiting for? Book your desert safari Dubai tour today!

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